Kristin Fonseca

About Kristin

Home and Family

Lives in Plymouth MA with husband Arnie and son Shane.

Personal Stats

Age 48

Competition weight 112-113.5 lbs

Off season weight 125-130 lbs

WNBF Qualifying Show

NE Classic 2009
NYC Naturalmania 2011

WNBF Pro Kristin Fonseca

Describe your path to the pro ranks.

I was a bodybuilding enthusiast starting in 1985. From the moment I started training I wanted to compete but at the time I was a music student (Berklee College of Music) and singer in rock bands.

For 22 years I trained but the lifestyle I was living was not conducive to a successful competition prep by any means. Then in 2008 when my husband and I retired from playing out I cleaned up my eating/drinking habits. It was on my bucket list to compete and I finally did in April of 2009 at 42.

Competing on the amateur level wasn’t hard because I had 22 years of mature muscle I finally uncovered a genetically decent symmetry. I won my first show and a pro card. I then went on to win two more shows in the next two months on the amateur level.

I wasn’t quite sure what to do at this point not knowing anything about competing or even fully understanding the importance of drug tested events. I took the 2010 season to do my research and competed 8 times as a Pro. This wasn’t easy at all. I am small. My conditioning was good and my quad separation was good but I lacked muscle everywhere else. Competing and dieting that much also contributed in some hard-earned muscle loss. I traveled to shows and charged some serious expenses. I learned many things.

Which WNBF pro shows have you competed in?

WNBF World Championships
2nd Place Pro BB LW
November 2014

WNBF Pro Master’s AM
1st Place LW
November 2014

2nd Place BB
July 2014

WNBF World Championships
2nd Place Pro BB LW
November 2013

WNBF Pro Master’s American
1st Place Pro BB LW
November 2013

WNBF World Championships
4th Pro BB Lightweight
5th Pro Fit Body
November 2012

WNBF Pro Master’s American
2nd Pro Bodybuilding
2nd Pro Fit Body
November 2012

WNBF Pro American
2nd Place Pro Bodybuilding
1st Pro Fit Body
June 2012

WNBF World Championships
2nd Women’s Pro BB LW
4th Pro Fit Body
November 2011

WNBF Pro American
2nd Pro Fit Body
3rd Women’s Pro BB
November 2011

What does being a WNBF pro mean to you?

Are you involved in any other parts of the sport?

Which WNBF amateur shows are you likely to attend?

Will you be competing in the 2015 Worlds in Atlantic City?

What are your competitive goals?